
ich habe für die lva „videoproduktion“ meinen lieblingshit & klingelton käsebrot von helge schneider verfilmt. aufgabe war es, eine „music promo“ zu machen.

This second option allows for a more creative and abstract take on telling a story. Here, the story is the music in which you try to enhance or portray in images. This project is not called a „Music Video“ because it is not about the band or artist. It is a music promo – you want to „sell“ the music, not the artist, in this case. Therefore, you should limit (if any at all) shots or scenes with the artist.

Choose a song that is between 2 and 3 minutes long. Any project shorter or longer will result in a reduction of points.

Dynamic editing is the key, here, in which the edits are more abstract, and perhaps a bit unrealistic at times. However, it will still require thought and some kind of relationship. In order to help with this relationship, a storyboard can be used. In fact, you will have to provide a storyboard with your outline.

Hand in a storyboard plus an outline (by May 31st) with the following information:
* the song title, artist and length
* the style (theme, what is consistent)
* meaning (what will be conveyed?)

merci liebe eva!

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